This module aims to introduce teachers to a range of digital platforms, tools and techniques that can be used in a classroom setting to enhance learning and boost student engagement.

This module aims to teach secondary school teachers about online self-promotion and event promotion and expose them to a variety of examples that they could use. Other issues like netiquette, rights and responsibilities online and how to teach students to be responsible digital citizens will be discussed.

This module aims to teach secondary school teachers a range of techniques that will help them produce compelling audio and video content to enrich their lectures and improve student experience.

This module aims to educate secondary school teachers and students about basic online safety skills, from protection and privacy to more complex issues like recognizing and reporting fake websites and fake news or cyberbullying.

The Mentor Section addresses the trainers of the Secondary School teachers who are going to teach the courses that are uploaded on the e-Platform. The material of this section will help them familiarise with the use of the e-Platform and its functions from a trainer’s perspective.